Join Us

Who you’ll meet
at the club

One of the most celebrated benefits of belonging to the Arts & Letters Club is the continual, convivial and always changing interaction between members.

Meeting together at 14 Elm Street fosters artistic vision, learning, understanding and growth.

Over half of Arts & Letters Club members are professionals with careers in the creative or performing arts.

Many others, meanwhile, are enthusiasts whose lives are enriched through active appreciation of the arts and who enjoy being involved in the artistic community.

All club activities support the traditional disciplines of Literature, Architecture, Music, Painting and Stage arts, which we refer to as LAMPS.

However, an ever-expanding list of creative fields is also emerging and evolving within the club.

These areas of expertise include digital photography, dance, film, radio, TV, journalism, poetry, graphic novels, library and information sciences, interior design, illustration, computer graphics, editing and publishing, advertising, public relations, and much more.

Benefits of Membership

A Creative Hub

Meet interesting people and make new friends.

Most events are free with charges just for (optional) meals and drinks.

Members are welcome to bring guests and also to visit Clubs in other towns.

To see the Club, call 416 597 0223 ext. 3, or email

If you would like to join but do not know members who can sponsor you, contact us.

members in the bar

Membership Fees

Annual fees, as of January 20, 2025 are as follows.

Junior Membership (ages 19-39): $420
Initiation fee: $1000 (can be paid over 4 years)

Associate Membership (live at least 50 km from the Club): $735
Initiation fee: $500

Membership: $1,470
Initiation fee: $1,000 (can be paid over 3 or 12 months)

Membership Application

Fillable Membership Application PDF available here for download.

Submit completed forms to when complete, or if you have any questions.

Sample Activities to Enjoy as a Member

Weekly music concerts
Book talks
Excursions to art collections, historic buildings, theatres
Talks by stage directors
Art of Conversation discussions
Life drawing classes
Presentations by architects
Art shows and sales
Literature study groups
Current events discussions
Themed dinners
Play readings or improvisation workshops
Hot Shots photography group
Book Club
Film nights
Painting sessions with a model
Writers’ Circle
Friday buffet lunches